• Deutschsprachig

Walsh, G. (2017). Anwendungsorientiertes Seminar „Virales Marketing“ – ein Erfahrungsbericht, transfer – Werbeforschung & Praxis, 2/2017, 67-68.

Malcherek, J., Walsh, G., Schwabe, M. (2016). Erfolgreicher Marken-Turnaround bei Continental 2 Wheel, transfer – Werbeforschung & Praxis, 3/2016, 45-51.

Walsh, G., Möhring, M. (2015). Wider den Retourenwahnsinn. Harvard Business Manager, 3. Ausg./15, 6-10.

Möhring, M., Walsh, G. (2015). Moderetouren im Deutschen Onlinehandel – Eine empirische Untersuchung, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 52 (2), 257-266.

Walsh, G., Möhring, M. (2013). Retourenvermeidung im E-Commerce – Kann Big Data helfen?, Marketing Review St. Gallen, 13 (1), 68-78.

Möhring, M., Schmidt, R., Walsh, G., Koot, C., Härting, R.-C. (2013). Präventives Retourenmanagement im eCommerce, HMD – Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 50. Jg., 66-79.

Möhring, M.; Schmidt, R.; Koot, C.; Walsh, G. (2013). Big Data – neue Möglichkeiten im E-Commerce. Wirtschaftsinformatik und Management, Ausgabe 02/2013, 48-56.

Walsh, G., von Kortzfleisch, H. (2012). Management von Serviceinnovationen in Business-to-Business Märkten – Erfahrungen, Konzepte und Handlungsperspektiven, Lohmar (EUL-Verlag).

Walsh, G., Hass, B., Kilian, T. (2011). Web 2.0: Neue Perspektiven für Marketing und Medien, 2. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (Springer).

Walsh, G., Deseniss, A., Kilian, T. (2011). Thema: Fallstudie Vapiano, impulse Wissen, (Sommer 2011), 34-37.

Halstrup, D.; Gröblinghoff, S.; Walsh, G. (2011). Zur Bedeutung von Erdgas in der Kundenzielgruppe von Morgen, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 61 (10), 34-36.

Görgen, F., Koot, C., Walsh, G. (2010). Marktsegmentierung im Versicherungsgeschäft anhand von Lebensstiltypologien: Sinus & Co. als Königsweg?, Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen, Heft 13, 469-472.

Koot, C., Walsh, G. (2010). Segmentierungsansätze müssen flexibel bleiben, bank und markt, Heft 3 (März), 38-41.

Walsh, G., Kilian, T., Buxel, H., Evanschitzky, (2009). Die Messung des wahrgenommenen Kundennutzens, Die Unternehmung, 63 Jg., Nr. 2, 158-177.

Walsh, G. (2006). Das Management von Unternehmensreputation: Grundlagen, Messung und Gestaltungsperspektiven am Beispiel von Unternehmen des liberalisierten Gasmarktes, Aachen (Shaker Verlag).

Walsh, G., Koot, C., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2006). Die Messung des Einflusses von Dienstleistungsqualität auf Kundenzufriedenheit im Retail Banking auf Grundlage von SERVQUAL, Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 52. Jg., Heft 2, 166-180.

Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G. (2003). Der Einfluss der Zufriedenheit auf die Wechselbereitschaft von privaten Gaskunden: Empirische Analyse und Implikationen, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 27 (3), 225-233.

Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G., Frenzel, T., de Freitas, M. (2002). . C O M – MUNICATION – Kommunikationsstrategien von Unternehmen des Electronic-Tourism im internationalen Vergleich, Tourismus Journal ZFP, Heft 2, 153-174.

Walsh, G. (2005). Unternehmensreputation: Konzeptualisierung und Konsequenzen, Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 51. Jg., Heft 4, 393-418.

Niermann, S., Walsh, G., Toropov, V. (2005). Analyse der Wiederkaufbereitschaft von Automobilkunden – Befunde einer empirischen Untersuchung, Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 51. Jg., Heft 2, 156-175.

Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Kilian, T., Scherer, C. (2004). Die Analyse der Akzeptanz von Smartphones: Eine empirische Untersuchung, Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 50. Jg., Heft 4, 386-398.

Wiedmann, K.-P., Buxel, H., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G. (2004). Konsumentenverhalten im Internet, Wiesbaden (Gabler Verlag).

Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P., Buxel, H. (2003). Der Einfluss von Unternehmensreputation und Kundenzufriedenheit auf die Wechselbereitschaft: Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung am Beispiel eines Energieversorgers, Jahrbuch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, 49. Jg., Heft 4, 407-423.

Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G. (2001). Musik im Internet – Motive der Nutzung und Zahlungsbereitschaft (Teil I), Der Musikmarkt, 42/2001, 10-11.

Wiedmann, K.-P., Frenzel, T., Walsh, G. (2001). Zahlungswillig – Studie zur Akzeptanz für kostenpflichtige Musik aus dem Internet, C’t – magazin für computertechnik, Heft 26, 167.

Wiedmann, K.-P., Walsh, G. (2000). Informationsverhalten und Einstellungen von Kunden beim geplanten Kauf von Wohneigentum, Der Langfristige Kredit, 51. Jg., 1 (Feb.), 79-82.

  • Englischsprachig

Linzmajer, M., Brach, S., Walsh, G., Wagner, T. (2020). Reducing Inter-Ethnic Bias in Service Interactions, Journal of Service Research, 23(2) 194-210.

Baker, T. L., Chari, S., Daryanto, A., Dzenkovska, J., Ifie, K., Lukas, B. A., Walsh, G. (2020). Discount venture brands: Self-congruity and perceived value-for-money?. Journal of Business Research, 116, 412-419.

Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G. (2020). Social media-driven antecedents and consequences of employees’ awareness of their impact on corporate reputation, Journal of Business Research, 117, 718-726. (Best Paper Award beim Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image, and Reputation (COBIIR), 2017, London)

Walsh, G., Kunz, W. (2020). After the revolution–new chances for service research in a digital world, Journal of Service Management, 31 (3), 597-607.

Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Teng, L. (2020). Cross-cultural assessment of a short scale to measure employees’ company reputation–related social media competence, Corporate Reputation Review, 23 (2), 78-91.

Brylla, D., Walsh, G. (2020). Scene Sells: Why Spatial Backgrounds Outperform Isolated Product Depictions Online, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 24 (4), 497-526.

Walsh, G., Deseniss, A., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S. (2019). Buffering the service failure–induced effect of anger on revenge, Kybernetes, 49 (7), 1899-1913.

Walsh, G., Yang, Z., Dahling, J., Schaarschmidt, M., Takahashi, I. (2019). Effects of negative personality traits on emotional labour and job satisfaction: Evidence from two countries, Management Decision, 58 (6), 1035-1052.

Albrecht, A., Schäfers, T., Walsh, G., Beatty, S. (2019). The effect of compensation size on recovery satisfaction after group service failures: The role of group versus individual service recovery, Journal of Service Research, 22 (1), 60-74.

Dose, D., Walsh, G., Beatty, S., Elsner, R. (2019). Unintended reward costs: The effectiveness of customer referral reward programs for innovative products and services, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47 (3), 438-459

Walsh, G., Hille, P., Shiu, E., Hassan, L., Takahashi, I. (2019). Cross-Cultural Fear of Online Identity Theft: A Comparison Study and Scale Refinement, Information Systems Frontiers, 21 (6), 1251-1264.

Walsh, G. (2019). Service employees’ naturally felt emotions: Do they matter?, European Management Journal, 37 (1), 78-85.

Bachmann, F., Walsh, G., Hammes, E. (2019). Measuring owner-based luxury value, European Management Journal, 37 (3). 287-298.

Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S. (2018). Assessing the effects of multichannel retailer corporate reputation on customer new product adoption and RFM value, Journal of Service Management, 29 (4), 680-702.

Schwabe, M., Dose, D., Walsh, G. (2018). Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future: Influences of regulatory focus on consumers’ moral self-regulation, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 28 (2), 234-252.

Brach, S., Walsh, G., Shaw, D. (2018). Sustainable consumption and third-party certified labels: Consumers‘ perceptions and reactions, European Management Journal, 36 (2), 254-265.

Dose, D., Walsh, G., Ruvio, A., Segev, S. (2018). Investigating links between cultural orientation and culture outcomes: Immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel and Germany, Journal of Business Research, 82, 281-289.

Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Evanschitzky, H. (2017). Customer Interaction and Innovation in Hybrid Offerings: Investigating Moderation and Mediation Effects for Goods and Services Innovation, Journal of Service Research, 21 (1), 119-134.

Albrecht, A. K, Walsh, G., Brach, S., Gremler, D. D., van Herpen, E. (2017). The influence of service employees and other customers on customer unfriendliness: a social norms perspective, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45 (6), 827-847.

Kearney, T., Walsh, G., Barnett, W., Gong, T., Schwabe, M., Ifie, K. (2017). Emotional intelligence in front-line/back-office employee relationships, Journal of Services Marketing, 32 (2). 185-199.

Walsh, G., Brylla, D. (2017). Do product returns hurt relational outcomes? Some evidence from online retailing, Electronic Markets, 27 (4), 329-339.

Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., Ivens, S. (2017). Effects of Customer-Based Corporate Reputation on Perceived Risk and Relational Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Gender Moderation in Fashion Retailing, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 26 (3), 227-238.

Walsh, G., Möhring, M. (2017). Effectiveness of product return–prevention instruments: Empirical evidence, Electronic Markets, 27 (4), 341-350.

Walsh, G., Hammes, E. K. (2017). Do service scripts exacerbate job demand–induced customer perceived discrimination?, Journal of Services Marketing, 31 (4/5), 471-479.

Albrecht, A. K., Walsh, G., Beatty, S. (2017). Perceptions of Group versus Individual Service Failures: Blame Attribution and Customer Entitlement, Journal of Service Research, 20 (2), 188-203.

Hammes, E. K., Walsh, G. (2017). Service Employees’ Job Demands and Two Types of Deviance: The Moderating Role of Organizational Resources, Marketing – ZFP, 39 (1), 15-26.

Walsh, G., Dahling, J. J., Schaarschmidt, M., Brach, S. (2016). Surface-acting outcomes among service employees with two jobs: Investigating moderation and mediation effects, Journal of Service Management, 27 (4), 534-562.

Walsh, G., Schaarschmidt, M., von Kortzfleisch, H. (2016). Employees’ company reputation-related social media competence: Scale development and validation, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36, 46-59.

Walsh, G., H. Evanschitzky, M. Schaarschmidt, P. Walgenbach (2016). Service productivity: What stops service firms from measuring it?, Journal of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 13 (1), 5-25.

Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Hofacker, C., Grant, I., Takahashi, I. (2016). Developing and validating a scale of consumer brand embarrassment tendencies, Journal of Business Research, 69, 1138-1147.

Walsh, G., Albrecht, A. K., Kunz, W., Hofacker, C. (2016). The Relationship between Online Retailers‘ Reputation and Product Returns, British Journal of Management, 27(1), 3-20.

Schaarschmidt, M., Walsh, G., Ivens, S. (2015). Perceived external reputation as a driver of organizational citizenship behavior: Replication and extension, Corporate Reputation Review, 18 (4), 314-336.

Walsh, G., Yang, Z., Dose, D., Hille, P. (2015). The Effect of Job-Related Demands and Resources on Service Employees’ Willingness to Report Complaints: Germany Versus China, Journal of Service Research, 18 (2) 193-209.

Brach, S., Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T., Groth, M. (2014). A Dyadic Model of Customer-Orientation – Investigating Mediation and Moderation Effects, British Journal of Management, 26 (2), 292-309.

Walsh, G., Northington, W. M., Hille, P., Dose, D. (2015). Service employees’ willingness to report complaints scale: Cross-country application and replication, Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 500-506.

Bartikowski, B., Walsh, G. (2015). Attitude toward diversity: A test of identity-related antecedents and purchasing consequences, Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 526-533.

Shiu, E., Walsh, G., Hassan, L., Parry, S. (2015). The direct and moderating influences of individual-level cultural values within web engagement: A multi-country analysis of a public information website, Journal of Business Research, 68 (3), 534-541.

Hong, H., Groth, M., Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T. (2014). The Impact of Service Scripts on Customer Citizenship Behavior and the Moderating Role of Employee Customer Orientation, Psychology & Marketing, 31 (12), 1096–1109.

Walsh, G. (2014). Being a JBR reviewer, Journal of Business Research, 67 (10), 2239-2240.

Walsh, G. (2014). Extra- and Intra-Organizational Drivers of Workplace Deviance in Service Jobs, The Service Industries Journal, 34 (14), 1134-1153.

Walsh, G., Shiu, E., Hassan, L. (2014). Cross-National Advertising and Behavioral Intentions: A Multi-Level Analysis, Journal of International Marketing, 22 (1), 77-97.

Bartikowski, B., Walsh, G. (2014). Attitude Contagion in Product Review Blogs: Posters and Lurkers, Electronic Markets, 24, 207-217.

Walsh, G., Bartikowski, B.,; Beatty. S.E. (2014). Impacts of customer-based corporate reputation on non-monetary and monetary outcomes: The roles of commitment and service context risk, British Journal of Management, 26 (2), 166-185.

Walsh, G., Shiu, E., Hassan, L. (2014). Replicating, validating, and reducing the length of the consumer perceived value scale, Journal of Business Research, 67 (3), 260-267.

Hill, W., Beatty, S. E., Walsh, G. (2013). A segmentation of adolescent online users and shoppers, Journal of Services Marketing, 37 (5), 347-360.

Walsh, G., Bartikowski, B. (2013). Employee emotional labour and quitting intentions: Investigating the moderating effects of employee gender and age. European Journal of Marketing, 47 (8), 1213-1237.

Shiu, E., Shaw, D., Hassan, L., Parry, S., Walsh, G. (2013). Uncertainty in ethical consumer decision-making: conceptual model, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12 (3), 182-193.

Walsh, G., Bartikowski, B. (2013). Exploring corporate ability and social responsibility associations as antecedents of customer satisfaction cross-culturally, Journal of Business Research, 66 (8), 989-995.

Klinner, N., Walsh, G. (2013). Customer perceptions of discrimination in service deliveries: Construction and validation of a measurement instrument, Journal of Business Research, 66 (5), 651-658.

Walsh, G., Elsner, R. (2012). Increasing the Effectiveness of Referral Management, European Management Journal, 30 (1), 74-81.

Rosenbaum, M., Walsh, G., Wozniak, R. (2012). Family Allowances as Reverse Retail Discrimination, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 40 (5), 342-359.

Walsh, G., Gouthier, M., Gremler, D. D., Brach, S. (2012). What the eye does not see, the mind cannot reject: Can call center location explain differences in customer evaluations? International Business Review, 21 (5), 957-967.

Walsh, G., Hassan, L., Shiu, E. (2012). Investigating The Drivers Of Consumer Intention To Buy Manufacturer Brands, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 21 (5), 328-340.

Bartikowski, B., Walsh, G., Beatty, S. E. (2011). Culture and relationship ages as moderators in the corporate reputation role and loyalty relationship, Journal of Business Research, 64 (9), 966-972.

Walsh, G. (2011). Social Stressors as Indirect Antecedents of Employees’ Quitting Intention, European Management Journal, 29 (1), 67-78.

Bartikowski, B., Walsh, G. (2011). Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer outcomes, Journal of Business Research, 64 (1), 39-44.

Walsh, G., Schubert, P., Jones, C. (2010). Enterprise system investments for competitive advantage: An empirical study of Swiss SMEs, European Management Review, 7, 180-189.

Walsh, G., Shiu, E., Hassan, L., Andrews, C. (2010). Segmentation in Social Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, 44 (7/8), 1140-1164.

Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T., Bornemann, D.; Sassenberg, K. (2010). Does Relationship Quality Matter in E-Services? A Comparison of Online and Offline Retailing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 17 (2), 130-142.

Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-W. (2010). Identifying, Segmenting and Profiling Online Communicators in an Internet Music Context, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 6 (1), 41-64.

Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-W., Jackson, P., Beatty, S. E. (2009). Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Corporate Reputation: A Customer Perspective, British Journal of Management, 20 (2), 187-203.

Walsh, G., Gwinner, K. P. (2009). Purchasing Package Holidays Through Shop-at-Home Television Programs: An Analysis of Consumer’s Consumption Motives, Journal of Vacation Marketing, 15 (2), 111-128.

Walsh, G., Evanschitzky, H., Wunderlich, M. (2008). Identification and Analysis of Moderator Variables: Investigating the Customer Satisfaction-Loyalty Link, European Journal of Marketing, 42 (9/10), 977-1004.

Kilian, T., Walsh, G., Buxel, H. (2008). Measurement of Attitude Toward Private Labels: A Replication and Extension, European Retail Research, 22, 69-85.

Walsh, G., Beatty, S. E. (2007). Customer-based corporate reputation of a service firm: scale development and validation, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35 (1), 127-143.

Walsh, G., Dinnie, K., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2006). How Do Corporate Reputation and Customer Satisfaction Impact Customer Defection? A Study of Private Energy Customers in Germany, Journal of Services Marketing, 20 (6), 412-420.

Walsh, G., Groth, M., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2005). An Examination of Consumers’ Motives to Switch Energy Suppliers, Journal of Marketing Management, 21 (3), 421-440.

Walsh, G., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2004). A Conceptualization of Corporate Reputation in Germany: An Evaluation and Extension of the RQ, Corporate Reputation Review, 6 (4), 304-312.

Walsh, G., Mitchell, V.-W., Frenzel, T., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2003). Internet-induced Changes in Consumer Procurement Behavior: A German Perspective, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 21 (5), 305-317.

Walsh, G., Hennig-Thurau, T., Mitchell, V.-W., Wiedmann, K.-P. (2001). Consumers’ Decision-Making Style as a Basis for Market Segmentation, Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10 (2), 117-131.